We want to help you grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ!

Here's how:

Attend a Service

We prioritize gathering together as a body of Believers.

We meet each week for: 

Gathered Worship ~ Biblical Teaching ~ Public Reading of Scripture ~ Communion ~ Baptism ~ Prayer ~ Mutual Encouragement

We do this in obedience to God's Word.  

We invite YOU to commit to meeting with us each week, either in person or online.

Meet Pastor Chris

We value personal relationships with one another.

Our Lead Pastor, Chris Atkinson wants to get to know you!

He would love to get a cup of coffee with you, give you a call on the phone, or connect with you over Zoom.

Join a Group

We make time time for studying God's Word and praying together.

We meet in small groups throughout the week for Bible Studies, support, prayer and fellowship.

Pinewoods Groups may meet in person, online or both.  Groups may run for just a few weeks at a time, or may continue for several months.  

Serve With Us

We enjoy sharing the love of Jesus by serving one another and our community.

We serve those who attend Pinewoods Chapel in person or online, and those who are in our local community.

We do this as a practical expression of the love and grace we've been shown, and as a way of creating opportunities to share the Good News of Salvation with others.

We partner with Community Groups and Services to meet needs and multiply efforts.

Become Part of the Pinewoods Family

We believe in being committed to Christ and committed to His Church.

If you consider Pinewoods to be your home church, 

we encourage you to prayerfully consider committing in one or more ways:

consistent attendance, 

consistent group involvement, 

consistent serving, 

consistent giving, 

and/or leadership training.